In today’s episode of the Olive You Whole podcast, we’re talking with Satic Shield CEO all about protecting your home from EMFs!
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You’ve probably heard about electromagnetic fields or EMFs in your phones and how they’re bad for your health. Not a lot of people actually believe these energies exist, but just because you don’t see them doesn’t make them untrue.
In today’s episode, we’re joined by B.D. Erickson II, CEO of Satic Shield USA, a privately owned electronics manufacturer, and professional engineering firm in Montana. We talk specifically about electromagnetic fields or EMFs inside your home and how to protect ourselves and our families. At the end of the day, you’ve got to take control of your life and take control of the things around you. Information is powerful and it’s about time you take your power back.
In this episode, you will hear:
- What makes electricity dirty
- Why EMFs are bad for you
- Turning off Wi-Fi at certain times
- What is EMF or radiofrequency poisoning?
- The difference between EMF and RF
- Ways to get rid of EMFs
- The importance of having a smart meter by your bed
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