#ChallengeYourLimits – Amazing Loser Dominic Findlow

MAN v FAT Challenge is a little different to MAN v FAT Football as it’s all done online. Why do you think this worked for you?

Like most overweight people, we’ve all tried various fad diets, looking for the silver bullet that will transform our lives. Usually, we pay our money and from there things start to go wrong.

MAN v FAT Challenge was different for me. It’s not selling you supplements and gimmicks,  it’s about good old-fashioned weight loss.

It helps you to understand why we’re fat and how we got like that, then it helps you address the diet and exercise side of things to get results. It’s the simple mathematical equation of eat less + do more = weight loss.

Unlike all my previous attempts at dieting, I can now say that through MvF I finally get it! And I’m well on my way to creating good habits that are sustainable forever,