Essential Christmas Gifts For Men Losing Weight

Dear Santa, we know that it’s a Christmas obligation that you have to bring us pants and socks, we’ll even put up with (and eat) the Selection Box – but you might know that we’re trying to lose weight at the moment and as such we’d really like these…

A month (or two, or three) of a good quality veg box

From £10 for a small box (Abel and Cole or Riverford both highly recommended)

abel and cole

abel and cole

The perfect healthy gift. Fresh, seasonal produce (you can choose a variety of boxes from simple fruit and veg, juicing boxes, boxes where you just follow the recipes and meat boxes) delivered to your door which tastes so good you’d think anyone heading to Pizza Hut for tea was mad as a box of frogs.

Jabra Pulse Wireless Headphones With Built In Heart Rate Monitor

£199 – direct from Jabra

jabra headphones

jabra headphones

We’re going to review these in the New Year, but in theory they should be amazing. Great sound quality, wireless connectivity and through some kind of how-did-we-not-think-of-it-before genius, it takes your pulse through your ears, so no bra-strap-fiddling HRM attached to your chest. Wow.

Duronic Kitchen Scales

£18.99 Amazon



We were playing with these the other day and they’re brilliant kitchen scales, dead easy to use, incredibly accurate – huge display and a free bowl to boot. Quite a nice funky look to them as well.

Matrix Accu Body Fat Callipers

£4.99 (Amazon)



Cheap as chips, just not as fatty. These are a good stocking filler for those who feel their stockings are a little too full. Quite an accurate reading (although body fat estimates are always a bit of a crapshoot) and easy to do.

Cooking Course

Get vouchers towards the course. A variety of courses, all over the country.



There are thousands of these across the country and it’s incredible how useful and interesting they can be – even vouchers towards one would be a good gift. They could turn you on to a whole new area of cuisine, or simply give you a grounding in the basics – anything that helps you prepare better quality food is a priceless gift.

Ones to avoid:

  • If someone hasn’t told you that they’re losing weight then don’t get them anything diet related. It’s pushy, rude and could well serve to make them more embarrassed about losing weight.
  • Gym memberships. They’re expensive and often too intimidating. By all means offer to take them to your gym but don’t sign someone up!
  • Supplements. A bundle of raspberry ketones might seem like a good idea but they don’t work (ok, a super small percentage of them might help a tiny bit – but that’s not much is it?) and they could have a nasty reaction, like punching you in the face.
  • This t-shirt.

What have we missed? What’s on your list this year?