It’s the season of goodwill and usually that means that the belt is loosened off a notch or two and we all start to relax our dietary focus. Cheat days become cheat weeks and before long you’re huffing icing sugar and screaming at the kids as you mainline all that delicious fatty gravy. We’ve all been there.
To counteract this we thought we’d put together a seasonal outing for Healthy Food Porn that looks at some great Christmas recipes. For those about to drool, we salute you.
Chesnut Pancakes With Smoked Salmon And Creme Fraiche (by Grow Cook Bake)
Brie, Mushroom and Chestnut-filled Spelt and Chestnut Pasta with Pan-friend Brussels Sprouts (Grow Cook Bake)
Roast Sprouts and Sweet Potato in a Maple Syrup Sauce (tstone711)
Revitalising Juice For Post-Christmas Party Hangovers (Grow Cook Bake)
Healthy Mini Christmas Puds (chlo3j)