Hi-Tech’s Wellness Stack is the foundation for your future health.
By Bryan Hildebrand
As people around the world re-enter society with a new sense of normalcy and head back into work, restaurants and the gym, each one of us is renewed with a changed sense of responsibility. We know now, more than ever, that maintaining a healthy and functional immune system should be at the forefront of everyone’s day-to-day life. Not just any product or single magic bullet ingredient will do. You owe it to yourself that whatever you utilize, needs to be highly efficient, dosed appropriately and with the highest functionality and bioavailability available. Hi-Tech’s Wellness Stack is the foundation for your future health.
Utilizing Cyclosome™ Technology, Hi-Tech’s products give you massively improved bioavailability and higher levels of circulating ingredients than ever before. Historically many active ingredients in our daily regimens are dosed at extremely high concentrations and are actually destroyed by our liver or digestive tract before reaching the bloodstream due to their sensitive molecular makeup. Cyclosome™ Technology involves the entrapment of these unique compounds in the form of a Cyclodextrin complex in liposomes and has been investigated as a new strategy to combine the relative advantages of Cyclodextrin complexes and liposomes into a novel solution for greater bioavailability.
Research shows that higher blood levels of vitamin C may be the clearest nutrition marker for overall health and wellness. It has shown to boost our body’s ability to fight against diseases and attributes to a wealth of overall health benefits. It may not cure the common cold, but it is thought that vitamin C improves our body’s ability to fight more serious complications when we are fighting the common cold or flu. Hi-Tech utilizes Cyclosome™ with our Vitamin C to help ensure increased bioavailability and increased circulating levels of it when taken regularly.
Turmeric 95 is a proprietary bio-enhanced from of curcumin that by combining it with Hi-Tech’s Cyclosome™ delivery system, provides greater benefits than its relative native curcumin. Native curcumin is poorly absorbed and rapidly metabolized before much of its abilities are unleashed on the human body. Most important in this delivery is the ability of curcuminoids to fight inflammatory responses. It has been shown to block a specific molecule that plays an important role in signaling the inflammatory response. Reduced inflammatory markers have shown a plethora of health benefits, most notably cardiac health and longevity.
Hi-Tech’s Co-Q10 utilizes only fermented Co-Q10 from natural sources and packs 100 milligrams of Co-Q10 per tablet into its product. Co-Q10 is a very powerful antioxidant that fights against free radical damage and has gained recognition for its superior heart muscle support and ability to energize the cardiovascular system. Many companies believe delivery of Co-Q10 in the form of a “soft gel” is the best mode to increase bioavailability of Co-Q10. Hi-Tech has gathered many studies and believes to have the most bioavailable form of Co-Q10 on the market. Hi-Tech utilizes its proprietary Extend-Rx™ delivery system to increase absorption and increase the overall half-life of Co-Q10.
Hi-Tech has invested heavily in this new technology and brought it to its Wellness line to bring you the greatest opportunity for health and wellness available. Other immune concentration products like Vitamin D3, Ashwagandha, Valerian Root, Quercetin, CoQ10, Resveratrol and Grape Seed Extract cumulatively bring you health in a whole new way. Hi-Tech’s Cyclosome™ proprietary delivery system is like no other in the fitness industry. Shouldn’t you be too?
For more information, visit hitechpharma.com