How to Keep Products Safe When Shipping to Customers

No one wants to receive a damaged package. When someone buys something from you, they are excited to receive something they have spent their hard earned money on, and when it arrives damaged, it needs to get sent back and then resent and that takes up a lot of time. Get your products shipped right the first time, and here is how. 

Have Durable Packaging

It is worth the extra price so that your product arrives in one piece. Use boxes that are a bit thicker and can withstand the weight of other packages on top of them. Focus your attention on the inside and make sure that delicate products are wrapped in bubble wrap to absorb shock and that thicker paper is used to fill in the empty spaces to prevent movement. 

Remember, your product may get placed in a big crate, lifted by a heavy lift crane, and placed on a train, on a boat, or in a truck. That is a lot of movement and a lot of potential for something to get smushed or crushed. Package right the first time and you will never have a dissatisfied customer. 

Insure Your Package

When you get shipping insurance, you will be financially protected in the event of an accident with your product. The insurance will cover the cost of the product as well as the delay in shipping to your customer. Many customers will understand if something goes wrong, and as long as it doesn’t cost them money, they will be okay with it. 

There will be premiums that will add to your monthly expenses, but it will be well worth it to know that you won’t have to shell out any more money if things get lost or damaged. Go online and start comparing quotes to find which insurance provider is right for you. 

Offer Tracking to Customers

When a customer is able to log online and track their package as it makes its way to them, they will be able to understand and see that when things get lost or damaged, it’s not your fault. When a customer doesn’t know something, they may assume the worst. Offer tracking on your package.

Package tracking also provides a history of the journey of the package. A customer can see when a shipping label was created, when it left the courier service’s headquarters, and how long until it reaches them. A lot of fault is taken off of you, and if packaged correctly, the product will arrive safe and sound. 

Ship With a Reputable Company

A lot of businesses go with the cheapest option when it comes to shipping products. You may not want to take that route. Always go with the best provider with the best reputation. You always get what you pay for and if you go cheap you are going to get cheap service and that could result in your product getting destroyed and destroying the reputation you have with important clients.