There is often talk about belly fat and how mums always want to get rid of that, but something that can be forgotten is trying to target your back fat. With the right exercise and diet you can have get your back looking fit and toned.

How to fight the fat on your back
Before looking at what you can do to get rid of back fat, consider where it’s located as this will shape how you target this area for weight loss.
- Upper back fat – this is the area just below the neck and you would notice that there is some excess fat spilling over your bra strap (first make sure you are wearing the right size bra before thinking you have too much upper back fat).
- Mid-back fat – excess fat in this area would result in waves of fat around the mid-waist area.
- Lower back top fat – this is the area just above most pants or your hips. You may have what is called a ‘muffin top’ spilling over your jeans if you have excess fat here.
The best way to locate the area you most need to target is to stand facing away from a mirror with another mirror or your phone over your shoulder checking out the reflection of your back. It would also be good to take some photos from this angle as well to track your progress as you work on your back.
Once you have worked out your main target areas it’s time to work on how to lose the back fat. Like any type of weight loss the two most important things that you need to adjust in order to target any area is to look at the food you consume and the exercises you do.
What should I eat to help lose back fat?
High protein calorie-filled diet will help you build muscle and reshape the way your back appears and therefore help you lose back fat. Also a diet rich in fibre and low in sodium will help you drop excess weight or water weight your body may be storing in your back.
You should also try to work on a calorie deficit whereby you are burning more calories than you are consuming. Making sure to not go into unhealthy levels of deficit, cutting down maybe 200-300 calories a day will help you burn back fat quicker.
Exercises to help you target your back fat
When it comes to losing back fat including some HIIT training will give you the intensity you need to burn the calories that may otherwise be stored as fat on your back. This will help you burn the most calories in the least amount of time.
The best way to reshape your body is to include exercises into your workout routines that specifically target the areas you feel most self-conscious about. Depending on where the fat is located you can find exercises to target these areas:
- Upper back fat: You would look at shoulder strengthening exercises such as lateral raises with dumbbells, rowing or boxing.
- Mid-back fat: For this area you are wanting to find exercises that tighten and strengthen the muscles around this area called the latisimus dorsi. Including something like a lateral pulldown into your routine will help create a toned, triangular shape.
- Waist area fat: If you see yourself holding more fat around your waist you will need to consider how to also lose the belly fat. But keeping the focus on your back some good exercises include try focusing on your core and oblique muscles like oblique crunches on the floor.
- Lower back fat: Start by strengthening your core as slouching can make any lower back fat more noticeble, good posture is always good for you. Back extension exercises will help you to target these trouble spots as will side jackknife or superman exercises.
5 real mums share how they lost their back fat
1. Sally Stephniewski
Sally has lost a whopping 41kg with The Healthy Mummy and toned her entire body in the process. Read more about Sally’s weight loss journey here.
She says “Throw back to my first back shot with the Healthy Mummy when I was so proud I’d just hit 89.9kgs (after starting at 110kgs).
I’m on a bit of a plateau at the moment as life is a whole level of crazy – but I’m eating well, drinking my water, moving my body every day.
I feel great and am learning how to juggle everything.
It’s so nice to look BACK on these photos and see how far I’ve come.
I am determined to never give up, no matter what life throws at me!”.
2. Hannah Pech
Firmer, stronger and fitter. Hannah has lost 30kg and dropped 4 dress sizes following The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. Read more about her weight loss journey here.
She says “Lots of my transformation picture comparisons I do front on because that’s what I see and can appreciate the difference.
It’s amazing the things you don’t see…..both inside and out.
Nearly 12 months of a consistent, determined, self loving healthy mummy lifestyle and the weight loss is a bonus now.
I’ve got energy,confidence and a can do attitude to match.
30kg gone in 11 months
Size 20-12
3. Brooke Cotter
Brooke has lost close to 30kg with The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and exercises and now cuts a perfect figure.
A regular at the gym, she continues to focus on strength and toning exercises and is looking forward to taking part in an upcoming body building competition. Woo Hoo! We are very excited for Brooke and know she is going to do great.
Brooke shares why you should never rely on just the scales for tracking your progress.
4. Sheree Keehan
Sheree has significantly slimmed down and toned up her back, waist and hips after losing 10kg with The Healthy Mummy Challenges.
She says “Excited to see the scales this morning in the 60’s for the first time in years but seeing a bit of muscle slowly build is just as exciting.
I can’t wait to see where I am in another few months time. I have to thank you all for the inspiration it has helped me so much”.
5. Julie Meadows
Healthy Mummy mum Julie Meadows says that setting mini-goals is key to weight loss success and toning and reshaping her body.
Her transformation has been achieved by following The Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge meal plans and Healthy Mummy Smoothies and doing regular HIIT classes.
Read more about Julie’s weight loss journey here.
Julie says “A healthy lifestyle feels so rewarding.
Not only do you feel great mentally but you get to wear around your hard work all day.
Changes take time. They take consistency, dedication and hard work day in and day out. Don’t give up when it gets too hard. All your efforts will pay off and will definitely be worth it in the end.”
The Healthy Mummy team are blown away by these ladies and their incredible body transformations.
Join these mums and regain your health and energy!
If you are wanting to lose weight and improve your energy – not to mention – help improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out.
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