How to lower body fat % without losing weight/losing calories

As the title says, is there a way to lose body fat without losing weight or eating less calories? I have been working out 3 – 4 days a week at the gym for a year now, and I still have no sign of abs despite working out abs once a week. And from what i found it's because of high body fat so just lose weight right? Well thing is im 180 and 58kg so im quite a big underweight, my dieting was always shit but my other muscles got a lot stronger despite bad diet so why wouldnt my abs show? Is there a way to reduce body fat on my belly without lowering my actual weight or eating less calories? I started doing sprinting in place 30 seconds and 30 seconds break for 10 min total, would this help? Thanks

submitted by /u/nibbablacc
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