How to set yourself up for the week if you’re trying to live a healthier lifestyle

One of the best ways to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is to be prepared!

By meal prepping on the weekend, it may actually help give you more time in the week – to exercise, to spend with your kids or get the other things you need done!

How to set yourself up for the week if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle

What’s more, it can also help you keep on top of what you’re eating, help you eat more regularly (which is vital to help boost your metabolism), feel less stressed and also help you control your portion sizes.

Our Healthy Mummy Super Coach Samara shares her top tips to set yourself up for a good week ahead…

How to set yourself up for a better week on a Sunday!

How many times have you dreaded Monday? What if I told you this was all just a state of mind – and by changing the way you think of Monday, can actually set you up for a much more positive week?!

Here are my best tips for setting yourself up for a better week on a Sunday!

1. Reduce your Sunday sleep in!

How to set yourself up for the week if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle

As parents, it’s a rare occasion when a sleep in actually happens. So if you get the opportunity, do not pass that up! But my tip here is to try not to sleep your day away.

The more you stay in bed, the more time you are losing to get yourself organised for the week ahead!

2. Set yourself realistic goals!

How to set yourself up for the week if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle

Every week can look so different to the next. On a Sunday, take the time to look at your weekly schedule and set yourself some realistic goals for that particular week.

Lock in some times that suit you for a workout, some meal/snack prep, and even self care. Book these in as appointments that you can not cancel!

Remember that some weeks may be less productive than others and that’s okay! Write down your goals for the week and stick them somewhere you will be able to easily see them daily.

3. Prep! Prep! Prep!

How to set yourself up for the week if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle

Getting a little bit of meal prep and/or snack prep done for the week ahead can really make things run a lot smoother as it takes the pressure off you during the week.

Set your prep list, get your groceries done, and do what you can. Remember it doesn’t have to be the whole week worth – every little bit counts.

4. Clear space, clear mind!

How to set yourself up for the week if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle

Your surroundings have such a huge impact on your mental and physical state! If you are feeling a little off, use some time on a Sunday to get the chores done.

On a Sunday, I will do all the little leftover chores from the week before. Once a month I will try to have a good declutter of the house.

Or I will fill bags that can be donated, and give the place a really good tidy. Clearing the clutter in your physical space can really help you to feel lighter and act with more of a purpose. Make it fun and play some music while you work!

5. Self Care!

How to set yourself up for the week if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle

Whether you get this done on a Saturday or a Sunday, remember to set aside a little time just for you. Not only will you feel more relaxed going into a new week, but it will also help reset your body and your mind.

Run yourself a nice warm bath, take care of your skin with a SKIN Pink Clay Mask, enjoy a yummy Hot Chocolate with Collagen or read a book or listen to your favourite podcast without interruptions. You will feel so much better about the upcoming week!

6. Incidental Exercise!

How to set yourself up for the week if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle

My favourite thing about Sunday is that it’s my day with my girls! No sport activities, no school, no work. I always try to take us out somewhere to burn a little energy.

Whether we visit the local park, or go for a walk with the dogs, we try to move our bodies in a fun, ‘non-exercising’ way. This helps me keep my routine of moving my body, while also including the kids and showing them good habits.

7. Change your mindset!

How to set yourself up for the week if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle

You can do tasks 1-6 over and over again, but the most important change you need to make is the way you think about what Monday represents.

Monday is a fresh start, full of opportunities to help get you closer and closer to your goals. Go into the week with a positive mindset and see how your week will benefit!

Samara’s incredible 17kg weight loss journey

Samara Syed weight loss FBF

After the birth of her daughter in January 2016, Samara discovered The Healthy Mummy.

“I was suddenly introduced to a completely new way of thinking! I could still have my chocolate treats AND lose weight!

“Since finding the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges, I have managed to lose 17kgs and keep it off! The Healthy Mummy is not about restrictive calorie counting and cutting out whole food groups. It is about finding healthier alternatives to ensure you can maintain a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family.

“After trying almost every other fad diet over the years, The Healthy Mummy really stood out to me because it is based around REAL food and made for REAL mums!”


Samara is a mum of 2 girls and has lost over 17kg with The Healthy Mummy. RIGHT NOW Samara is here to MOTIVATE and help you to reach your goals too the same way she did.
Join today and as well as having access to ALL our trainers, 450 workout videos PLUS Samara’s workout videos and 4,500 recipes you will have DIRECT access to Samara!
You can talk DIRECTLY to Samara in our Private Support Group every day and she will share her recipes, exercises and MOTIVATE YOU PLUS you will get Samara’s guide to smashing goals ebook FREE AND you can read Samara’s Blog and journey here

Become a Healthy Mummy today!


If you are inspired by Samara’s before and after pics and want to take charge of your own health and weight – then join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge TODAY.

With more than 2,500 delicious (and healthy) recipes, 350 exercises & 24/7 support – the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge  is designed (and proven) to help busy mums like you lose weight!

To learn more about our challenge OR to join – click here.