Is it really worth it? Everything goes back to square one once you stop.

Skinny guy, since forever. 10 years of hitting the gym. Meal plan and regular sleep. Now I’m 6.3 with 70 kg, 35 yo. At my top I’ve hit the 82 kg.

However all this came with a price: Scheduled meals. (Around 3500 calories daily) Protein shakes. Creatine. Amino-acids. Scheduled sleep. No lost nights neither drinking with the guys. Etc.

To keep everything in order all seemed to me like a jail that I’ve built. Barriers that were taking up my freedom.

As soon as I was jumping out of it.. my body was going back to the 70kg bar. Each kg was flying away 10 times faster that it took to gain it.

Now my question is. Is there any solution to: a) lower my body consumption? b) assimilate better the nutrients from food?

Pills or plants that improve digestion /nutrients absorption. Food to avoid maybe?

Thank you all. Very inspiring sub.

submitted by /u/social_go
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