Not only has Michelle lost 45kg and over 100cm off her body, she’s now saving BIG BUCKS thanks to the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.
Check out this mum’s story of how she kicked her emotional eating habit and now saves $130 on her weekly grocery shop for her family of five!
Making 5kg goals
Michelle says she ate to deal with any emotion she had, good or bad.
“Happy, sad, stressed, depressed, I was in a pattern I didn’t know how to break. I love The Healthy Mummy because it’s all set out for me, I love my routine and now it has become my life,” she says.
When she first started her Healthy Mummy journey, Michelle says she had 60kg to lose which sounds very overwhelming! But breaking it down to 5kg goals made Michelle’s goal a reality.
“I hope to be at my goal by this Christmas but I am in no rush, for me it’s important that it comes off as part of a healthy lifestyle so it’s more likely to stay off long term. Dropping quickly only means fast gains back,” says Michelle.
This mum believes that taking as little notice of the scales as possible is the best way to stay motivated.
“Measurements and photos are your best friend, people get too caught up with the scales when they don’t tell you how hard you’ve worked, you can lose so many cm and no kg at all and that’s okay,” she says.
Check out this mum’s results, who doesn’t rely on the scales for recognition either.
Saving big bucks!
Michelle meal preps snacks and has a smoothie for breakfast and lunch.
Michelle made these snacks (pictured) by only spending on the peanut butter as the rest of the ingredients were pantry staples! Peanut fudge bars, Coconut Weetbix slice, Peanut caramel slice, Peanut bubble crunch, and Raw peanut butter bars.
“I have gone from spending $250 a week on shopping for my family of 5 to spending $120 a week. I love that it’s family friendly, my kids and fussy husband love it!” Michelle adds.
See these inspiring weight loss results by these mums who meal prep!
Michelle’s kids love helping in the kitchen, learning healthy habits and they even workout with her! A big fan of Tabata, Michelle does it daily and loves how fast and effective it is!
Now, instead of eating her feelings, Michelle opts for a workout.
Michelle says “I couldn’t stick to anything before The Healthy Mummy so I just want them to know if I can do it so can they.”
Join the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge this February for our Meal Prep & Time Saving theme. Like Michelle, cut down on your groceries AND lose weight!