Considering how advanced the world has now become, you would think that companies and employers in different markets will have a flawless recruiting process. However, the advancement of any firm in its field depends upon the employees it hires.
But what if some of its employees got the job by lying on their CVs and in the hiring process? A new survey published by StaffCircle, a performance management system company, reveals that many people lie on their CV to get an edge over other applicants.
How Often Do People Lie?
The survey examined how often people lie in their CVs or in the recruitment process to get ahead of other candidates. It was discovered that out of 1,500 surveyed, 32% admitted to lying during the hiring process. Moreover, 93% of the people who had lied were not caught. As a result, 63% of the liars said they would be tempted to lie again in the future.
The age demographic of 25 to 34-year-olds is most likely to lie on a résumé, followed by 35 to 44-year-olds and then 18 to 24-year-olds. 18% of the respondents also claimed they lied to change their careers.
It is a widely held belief that experience is crucial when hiring individuals for positions. Because of this, of the 1,500 persons polled, over 50% acknowledged lying to hide their lack of experience, while 38% of respondents admitted to lying on their résumés regarding their skills. To advance into more senior positions, they might have overstated their skills.
Furthermore, 26% of those surveyed admitted to lying about their previous pay. People might resort to this measure to get a better salary so that they can provide a misconception that they were earning more in their previous role. Finally, over 62% of people who claimed to have lied in their CVs in the past said they would be more likely to lie for a remote working position.
Are there any benefits from lying?
So, is it beneficial or disastrous to lie? Of those who had lied to gain a new job, 93% claimed they hadn’t been caught. Among the respondents, 42% claimed that lying had given them an advantage over other candidates, while 58% of those who had lied felt they had gained nothing.
In addition, 51% of those who lied are still in the same jobs they obtained by lying, as opposed to 23% of those who got jobs by lying during the hiring process and lost those jobs after six months.
Some think lying can be helpful and there are those who, despite lying, don’t think it had any impact. Additionally, 45% of respondents claimed they could have gotten the job even if they had not lied.
Improving the Recruiting Process
The survey focuses on the various challenges employers may encounter while recruiting a qualified candidate. For example, liars can sometimes get through the recruitment process because it isn’t always practical. Hiring a candidate who has lied could result in the employment of an unsuitable candidate.
Companies can examine skills and determine any gaps in the workforce experience with the help of an effective employee performance management system. Using such a system will give companies the ability to know their employees and their level of aptitude for a position, similar to if companies implement a 9-box grid model.
Final Thoughts
StaffCircle’s study provides some interesting perspectives on how people view the recruiting process. It is evident that many people will lie to get ahead, and a significant number of them are successful in doing so.
Lying on a CV or in the recruitment process can have several consequences. First, if an applicant is caught lying, they will likely be rejected from the position. Even if an applicant is not caught lying, they might not be qualified for the role and might be let go after a short period.
Employers should consider using performance management tools and techniques at their disposal, such as employee management systems or 9 box grids, to get to know their employees better and to identify any gaps in workforce experience. By doing so, this can go contribute to preventing companies from hiring the wrong employee in the future.