Share Some Good Things from 2021

December 16, 2021   32 Comments

Can we start a thread of good things that happened to you in 2021?

Share Some Good Things from 2021

I don’t care how small your “win” might be for you. We don’t have to talk about winning a Nobel Prize or Survivor.

One good thing that happened to me was seeing this sunrise on Wednesday. I even managed to run outside and shoot a photo!

Maybe this year, you finally chopped a fresh onion and didn’t mind the associated crying. Or managed to remember your umbrella on a rainy day.

My good thing? I tried learning how to watercolor and can honestly say that I am intrigued by this new hobby. I never thought I would enjoy it but I love how the water makes the painting hard to control. Also, my daughter is applying to college and I did a bunch of research to help her.

Please share a good thing below in the comment section. I would love to get a thread going to make us smile.