Super stressed about having lost weight after adding 1300 calories to my meal plan, should I be worried??

I've always been underweight – and i'm always full fast. I have one glass of milk and i'm really set to go for three hours, it's extreme. I have no eating disorders yet have often been asked if I do. My doctor however always confirmed to my mum and I that I was healthy, and I am ish. I however went through a rough time in my life and lost my already minimal appetite, and become even more underweight. I know BMIs are not accurate – but it always scares me when I read how close I sometimes get to the category of a BMI where your organs are supposed to shut down.

About a month ago I went to a nutritionist to get help on gaining weight as I had tried everything on my own but was always too full to function properly and never even gained a single kilo.

I've been eating 1300 calories more every day, than I usually do, for about a month now, following my nutritionist meal plan, and i've LOST 5kgs.

I've done alot of tests with doctors the past 6 months before going to a nutritionist, and all my tests are good – I don't get enough Iron but otherwise all good. I'm also not more active than usual, so why am I not gaining weight? Should I be worried there is something seriously wrong?

Has anyone had this experience? I'm kinda nervous this is super unusual and that when I have my next meeting with my nutritionist and she sees my weight she'll put me in hospital or something 😭

submitted by /u/NorahSketch
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