“The Healthy Mummy has changed my life in so many ways” says mum who loves her healthy lifestyle

Mum of four Sarah was so fed up with how she looked and that clothes no longer fitted her. After joining the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge two years ago and embracing the Healthy Mummy lifestyle, she not only dropped ten kilos but regained her confidence and is feeling amazing!

“The Healthy Mummy has changed my life in so many ways. I’m so thankful for everything it has given me.”

Sarah’s Weight Loss

Sick and tired of her clothes no longer fitting, Sarah Hutton joined the Healthy Mummy two years ago.

Sarah says, “I hated the way I looked. I was so down about it.  I had no energy, I knew I needed to change. I had seen the Facebook Ads for the Healthy Mummy, but when a family member told me she had signed up, and had been following the challenges, and I could see her results!! I then signed up straight away!”

By following the Healthy Mummy 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and using the Healthy Mummy smoothies, snacks and supplements, and workouts from the app, Sarah had some great weight loss success losing 10 kilos from 73 to 63 kilos and maintaining her weight for around a year.

“Cooking healthy food is really easy!”

Not only has Sarah lost weight, she’s found that by following the recipes in the App and cooking healthy meals for her family of 6, she’s actually saved money on her shopping bill.

“I’ve learnt is that cooking healthy food is really easy! And not expensive. With a family of 6, the amount of money we used to spend on groceries has gone down since following The Healthy Mummy!” 

Sarah says there are many family favourite meals from The Healthy Mummy App but Stovetop Lasagne, Chicken and Corn Risotto, Chinese Beef & Broccoli Noodles and the Beef Burgers, are frequently on the menu!Stovetop-Family-Friendly-Beef-Lasagne-2


For dessert, the Hutton family can’t go past a Choc Lava Mug Cake or community favourite, Snickers Mousse.

“I love that I’m more organised, with having a meal plan and meal prepping done each week.”

“Loving the new Tummy Smoothie”

Even though Sarah was never a ‘breakfast’ person, she has found that The Healthy Mummy Smoothies are a perfect start to her day. “I have a smoothie every morning. My favourite was vanilla mixed with peanut butter, oats and unsweetened almond milk.”

“Now my Favourites are The Tummy Smoothie and The New Premium Double Chocolate! Yum!!”

Exercise routine

Sarah loves to mix up her exercise routine with workouts in the Healthy Mummy App doing 30-45 minutes six days a week.

She says “I often mix up between the Tabata, HIIT, Boxing, Box jump workouts, Real Mum Workouts, The Stronger Advanced and the Whole Body Weights Workouts with Wendy. 

Sarah admits to having never been to a gym. “I have only used the workouts from the App!”

Life since losing weight

Having lost 10 kilos, Sarah is feeling much more comfortable in her own skin and loves that her clothes fit again.

“Before The Healthy Mummy I lacked confidence, I was unfit and I had put on a lot of weight. Just like a lot of mums, I put everyone first and had forgotten about me and how to look after myself.

I’ve now gained a lot more confidence, I have a lot more energy to keep up with my kids. I feel amazing!
I have more energy, and I’m stronger and fitter than ever before!  I’m happier, more confident and I love that my clothes fit well again.”

One of the big lessons Sarah has learnt with The Healthy Mummy is that it is possible to still enjoy life with the occasional treat and still lose weight. She says, “I don’t have to have to starve or follow a low calorie diet to get results.”

Lockdown taking a toll

With the unusual challenges of lockdown this year, along with remote learning with her four kids, Sarah says a few kilos have crept back on.

I’m now at 66kg, but I know with the support of the Healthy Mummy community and the knowledge I have from the Healthy Mummy I will reach my goal weight again. I’m determined to get back to 63kg!” 

Sarah’s tips for success

  • Snack Prep! My biggest tip! This way I don’t go reaching for unhealthy snacks during the day. 
  • Meal Plan- having our meal plan set out, not only are we saving money but no food goes to waste. I repeat a lot of snacks to keep costs down too.
  • Exercise- Start with small amounts, I started with 15mins 4 days a week for a while until I could manage more. I’m now doing 30-45mins 6 days a week. 
  • Water! I drink 2L of water a day.

“Don’t cut out the foods you love!”

Sarah also has some advice for mums embarking on a weight loss journey. She says “make small changes at the start, focus on food or on exercise whichever first, once you’ve got yourself into a routine work on the other. 

“Don’t cut out the foods you love! I LOVE chocolate and have a chocolate based snack from the app in my meal plan everyday!” 

“Most importantly don’t give up! You’ve got this!” 

Join Sarah on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge!

If you are interested in kickstarting your weight loss and want to improve your energy – not to mention – improve your overall health and wellbeing – our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is an awesome program to check out. 

Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge includes:

  • 28 days of at home exercise routines (no gym needed) – with video instruction
  • Customisable and breastfeeding friendly meal plans (including a 7 day cleanse)
  • Time-efficient exercises for busy mums – under 30 mins
  • Challenge combines Pilates exercises with interval and circuit training (HIIT)
  • Suitable for basic to advanced fitness levels
  • Home to thousands of EASY-TO-MAKE recipes!